Another name for flutter kicks exercise
Another name for flutter kicks exercise

Also, engage your lower abs throughout the exercise by pulling them into your belly as you breathe in and out. That can lead to a back strain or injury. You don’t want any arch in your lower back. When performing the flutter kick exercise, it’s important that your lower back remains on the ground the entire time. Lift one leg and then the other in a flutter motion, as if you were swimming.Engage your core, and lift both legs off the ground to hip height or slightly past hip height, if possible.Rest your chin or forehead on your hands. Lie on your stomach and place your elbows out wide and your hands together in front of your face.The wider your legs are, the more you’ll feel it in your abdominal muscles.

another name for flutter kicks exercise

To make the move more challenging, extend your legs wider with each cross.The wider you bring out your legs with each cross, the more you’ll feel the exercise in your ab muscles.Criss-cross your legs over one another, switching off which leg is on top, and keeping your legs off the ground the entire time.Keep your lower back on the ground as you lift both legs up, slightly past hip height, keeping your core engaged the entire time.Place both hands underneath your buttocks.Repeat this motion for up to 30 seconds.For more of a challenge, lift your head and neck off the floor.Hold for 2 seconds, then switch the position of the legs, making a flutter kick motion.Keep your lower back on the ground as you lift the right leg off the ground slightly past hip height, and lift the left leg so it hovers a few inches off the floor.

another name for flutter kicks exercise

Place both your hands underneath your buttocks.


Read on to learn about how to do flutter kicks, plus the benefits and possible side effects.

another name for flutter kicks exercise

You can perform them lying on your back, or, if you want to also strengthen your back muscles, you can do them lying on your stomach. They mimic a swimming stroke, but are performed on dry land. Flutter kicks are an exercise that works the muscles of your core, specifically the lower rectus abdominal muscles, plus the hip flexors.

Another name for flutter kicks exercise